We All are Multidimentional Poor, Because no one is perfect in this World.  



"Count your age by Friends, not years. Count your life by Smiles, not tears."

Sunday, 10 December 2017

Happy Moment at the time of Attending Workshop in Utkal University, Odisha

Happy Moment at the time of Attending Workshop in Utkal University, Odisha
This workshop was organised by department of Analytical and Applied EconomicsUtkal University, Odisha. About 30 participants had been attended this workshop from different parts of Universities such as from Utkal University, Odisha (Banamali, Biwsa, Budhan, Dipti, Pralap, Sekhar) Berhampur University (Gayatri, Sunita, Sujata, Ashoke Bhukta, Setak, Paramananda),Odisha; Ravenshaw Universit, Odisha (Rekha Das); North Orissa University, Odsha (Himani and Chandan); Guru Ghasidas Viswavidyalay, Bilaspur, Chhatisgarh (Abha); Central University of Gujarat, Gujarat (Virendri); Central University of Punjab, Bathinda (Shiba Shankar Pattayat), International Institute for Population Siences, Mumbai  (Rajan) and from Tamil Nadu (L.Krishan) and Andhra Pradesh (Naga Raju). That class was like mini India. I was very happy after interaction with participants. We had enjoyed whole ten days in class like a family and also we  had visited one village in Jajpur district, Odisha for household survey. 

We learned a lot from that workshop which is sponsored by ICSSR, New Delhi. We learned from experts who are from different fields of Social Sciences and also from different renowned institutions.

Here is some clicks ...........